Week 2 Weigh In

I weighed in last night and I have to say, I was on the verge of tears when I hopped off that bloody scale.
100g! That's all I lost!
I was really frustrated. I had a naughty dinner on the Sunday night, so I saved back 4 points a day for the following three days. I can't believe it!!
I spoke with my leader and she looked through my tracker. The only thing she could pick up on was perhaps I wasn't eating a big enough breakfast.
My usual breakfast is Special K Choc Flakes, 1/4 cup reduced fat milk followed by a coffee with milk and 2 sugars. That totaled 4 points.
So I have revised my breakfast so I am having foods that are bigger in volume - filling foods! :)
Uncle Toby's quick oats, 1/2 cup reduced fat milk, 1/2 cup raspberries (Creative Gourmet frozen) and 1tsp honey. Total? 3.5 points! I did have a coffee this morning but I didn't have an sugar in it. I gave myself a 1/2 cup milk allowance for the day for coffees.

I think I like this system better.

And don't faint or anything but.... I EXERCISED!!!

I did the C25K Week 1 podcast. It's approx 20 - 25 min and when it finished I had to walk back to my place, so in total I clocked up 30 minutes of moderate to high intensity exercise. (at my size anything past a brisk walk is high intensity!!)

I plan to do the podcast 3 times this week, 4 times if I feel up to it - or if my knee feels up to it. I have to admit - my knee is feeling a touch tender as the day drags on. I am sure they will toughen up.

The best thing about doing the exercise was that I was caught unawares at how proud I felt at completing this exercise session! As I finished the podcast and was walking along I was smiling like a crazy person! Plus, it didn't rain! As I just got out of the shower, the rain started to bucket down. I was so glad I had gotten my exercise done before that came along!

I am hoping that with a combination of the exercise and changing my meal plan a little bit - I will get the results I am looking for!!

Whoa! Where did the week go?

It's been such a busy week this week. My hopes of having a normal starting time for work was dashed on Friday afternoon and so have been slogging into work at 7am since Monday.

However, I've been told that from tomorrow I don't have to come in early anymore. Yay! I was highly annoyed when I got here this morning at 7am and the worker who asked to be let in the building at 7am didn't rock up until 8.30am! That's my usual starting time and I sat here thinking of all the things I could have done this morning had I not had to be at work so early.

Oh well... enough about that.

Food wise my week has been really good! I've been planning each day the night before and sticking to it. The only day I didn't track was Valentines Day. And yep, I did eat some stuff I shouldn't have. Surprisingly, it wasn't chocolate! Hubby gave me a small choccy heart from Darrell Leas and that was pretty much it. Dinner was another matter though. *groans*

Mind you, I decided that to counteract that, I've been saving 4 points a day since Monday so it should help a bit. I wasn't going to beat myself up for having a slip up - what's the point? I felt secure in my contingency plan, so all is good.

Exercise? A little bit better this week. Did some walking but that was about it. It's more activity than what I've done in a month, so it all helps. I will keep concentrating on getting more exercise in.

Tonight Hubby and I are going to cook up a points friendly lasagna and I'll have that for dinner with a garden salad. I was really happy when Hubby suggested that we cook it together so I know what's being added and I can work out the points for it. I am hoping to get away with as little cheese as possible!!

Week 1 Weigh In

I was still pretty anxious about weighing last night, despite making peace with the fact that the week hasn't started out that great.
I weighed in with a loss of 800g which brings my weight down to 125.6kg

At first I was disspointed but I keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race. As much as I love watching The Biggest Loser, sometimes I watch the weigh ins and wish my weight loss would be like that. Mind you, I don't think I would have a spare 6 hours a day to exercise so it's a moot point. Plus I just know that if I lost the weight that fast, I'd be nothing but a puddle of saggy skin. eeep!

So I will take my 800g and be happy. Today has already started well so I just know this week is going to be a good one!


Starting weight (04/02/2010): 126.4kg
week 1 (11/02/2010): 125.6kg (-0.8kg)
week 2 (18/02/2010): 125.5kg (-0.9kg)

"Twas the day of the Weigh In...

I have weigh in tonight and I am freaking just a bit.
More than a bit to be honest.
OK... a LOT

The first three days of my first week were just TRAGIC. But Monday rolled around and I got myself back on track again. Tuesday and Yesterday were good food wise.
But stress... oh yeah, I haz it.
Work has just been horrible lately. Things have been going wrong - through no fault of mine - but the in house booking system has been doing strange things and now every five minutes people are whining and waving paper at me - "Fix It! Fix It! Fix It!"
Sure I can fix it - it'll take me half an hour per problem and tomorrow I can guaran-bloody-tee that the system is going to have a another brain fart and it'll all be for naught. Wait til the techs fix the problem then we'll go fix things up.
For some reason despite this explanation, I still get the whinging. Some people really need to put their big boy pants on and just be patient.

OK, work vent over.

How's the exercise going Miz Kitteh?

It ain't. Full stop.

I've been starting work at 7am and finishing work at 5pm. I know it feels like a cop out excuse but when I get home I am shattered. All I want to do is cook dinner, watch TBL and then go to bed.
Starting at 7am means that I have to up up and about by 6am, which means that if I want to get a walk in beforehand I am going to have to be up by 4.45am. It's not going to happen.

Next week I am hoping that I won't be doing those 7am starts and I can get into some resemblance of a normal routine again. And I have Saturday so I can definitely go for a walk then! :)

Just to cheer myself up (sarcasm!!) I decided to see what my weight was this morning.
Big Mistake! My scales bit stupid, um.. stupid heads! LOL One second they are saying I am 122kg then next I am 125kg then 127kg. Obviously something is wrong with them and they're not very accurate.
I've decided that I am taking the batteries out of them and putting the scales away.... otherwise I am going to drive myself insane!

I am worried that my first week isn't going to have good results but what's done is done. It's a chance for the next week to deliver a better result.

The one where Miz Kitteh keeps sleeping in...

For the last few days I've been telling myself that I am going to get up early and go for a walk for an hour.

I have always, always, always had trouble getting up early. No matter how much I know it's good for me, and that it's going to get me to my goals - I don't get my lardy arse out of bed!

Last night I set my alarm for 6am - plenty of time to get up, get my gear on and get out the door for a walk. I woke up at 3am (thank you, 2L of water a day!!), saw what time it was and thought "Aw! I've only got three more hours! I am way too tired to get up in three hours!" and switched my alarm off.

I woke up at 6.45am and the rain was just belting down again. (they reckon it's going to clear up today, so here's hoping.) Listening to the rain, cuddled in bed under the covers I thought to myself "Well, it's raining. I couldn't have walked anyway!"

Now, I know some people who would have walked and even run regardless of the rain. Their slogans are "HTFU!" and "JFDI!"

I also want to point out that these people have come from a similar place where I currently am. The only difference between themselves and I (besides 60-70 odd kilograms) is that they got off their butts and did something whilst I stayed where I was and didn't do a thing besides gain weight.

So maybe it's time to take a leaf out of their book. I can whine about how hard it is to get up of a morning and that I'm tired and I didn't sleep well etc etc. Those are all excuses. I am never going to have a better time to get off my butt than now.

Tomorrow, regardless of if it's raining or not - I am going to drag my butt out of bed and go for a walk. I need to start exercising - it's essential and non negotiable.

Finding MizKitteh

Last Thursday night I joined Weight Watchers.

my starting weight was 126.4kg - 56.4kgs to get to my goal of 70kg. Every time I think of that number I feel very overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of the task.

That's always been a stumbling block for me - I see how big the task is and my motivation wanes very quickly. But this time I am not going to focus on the big number... little steps this time. 5kg at a time in fact!

I was watching The Biggest Loser on Friday night and they had Sharif as a part of Masterclass. One thing he said was how the old Sharif, the overweight one; wasn't the real Sharif. The Real Sharif was trapped inside that body. As he lost the weight he found The Real him.

It's exactly how I feel. All the things I'd love to do, I won't because I am overweight. I am trapped inside this body underneath all the fat. I can't dress how I'd like, I can't do activities I'd like to do, I can't even have a baby because of my weight.

All of that changes now. When I walked into that meeting I'd made the decision that I was going to start taking my life back. In reality though, it's more like I'm going to start living my life! There was no life to take back.... I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. There isn't a single time where I can recall feeling happy with my body, or feeling comfortable in my body. In the years where I should have been out and about doing all the fun stuff I was hiding instead.

I've been 'on a diet' since I was 9 years old. I've been crying about being fat since I was 7 years old. At 30 years of age (nearly 31!) it's time I stopped feeling sorry for myself and allowing food to control me.

It's time to seize the day! :)



Finding The Real Me ♣ ♣ ♣ Mamanunes Templates ♣ ♣ ♣ Inspiração: Templates Ipietoon
Ilustração: Gatinhos - tubes by Jazzel (Site desativado)