The one where Miz Kitteh keeps sleeping in...

For the last few days I've been telling myself that I am going to get up early and go for a walk for an hour.

I have always, always, always had trouble getting up early. No matter how much I know it's good for me, and that it's going to get me to my goals - I don't get my lardy arse out of bed!

Last night I set my alarm for 6am - plenty of time to get up, get my gear on and get out the door for a walk. I woke up at 3am (thank you, 2L of water a day!!), saw what time it was and thought "Aw! I've only got three more hours! I am way too tired to get up in three hours!" and switched my alarm off.

I woke up at 6.45am and the rain was just belting down again. (they reckon it's going to clear up today, so here's hoping.) Listening to the rain, cuddled in bed under the covers I thought to myself "Well, it's raining. I couldn't have walked anyway!"

Now, I know some people who would have walked and even run regardless of the rain. Their slogans are "HTFU!" and "JFDI!"

I also want to point out that these people have come from a similar place where I currently am. The only difference between themselves and I (besides 60-70 odd kilograms) is that they got off their butts and did something whilst I stayed where I was and didn't do a thing besides gain weight.

So maybe it's time to take a leaf out of their book. I can whine about how hard it is to get up of a morning and that I'm tired and I didn't sleep well etc etc. Those are all excuses. I am never going to have a better time to get off my butt than now.

Tomorrow, regardless of if it's raining or not - I am going to drag my butt out of bed and go for a walk. I need to start exercising - it's essential and non negotiable.


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