Whoa! Where did the week go?

It's been such a busy week this week. My hopes of having a normal starting time for work was dashed on Friday afternoon and so have been slogging into work at 7am since Monday.

However, I've been told that from tomorrow I don't have to come in early anymore. Yay! I was highly annoyed when I got here this morning at 7am and the worker who asked to be let in the building at 7am didn't rock up until 8.30am! That's my usual starting time and I sat here thinking of all the things I could have done this morning had I not had to be at work so early.

Oh well... enough about that.

Food wise my week has been really good! I've been planning each day the night before and sticking to it. The only day I didn't track was Valentines Day. And yep, I did eat some stuff I shouldn't have. Surprisingly, it wasn't chocolate! Hubby gave me a small choccy heart from Darrell Leas and that was pretty much it. Dinner was another matter though. *groans*

Mind you, I decided that to counteract that, I've been saving 4 points a day since Monday so it should help a bit. I wasn't going to beat myself up for having a slip up - what's the point? I felt secure in my contingency plan, so all is good.

Exercise? A little bit better this week. Did some walking but that was about it. It's more activity than what I've done in a month, so it all helps. I will keep concentrating on getting more exercise in.

Tonight Hubby and I are going to cook up a points friendly lasagna and I'll have that for dinner with a garden salad. I was really happy when Hubby suggested that we cook it together so I know what's being added and I can work out the points for it. I am hoping to get away with as little cheese as possible!!


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