"Twas the day of the Weigh In...

I have weigh in tonight and I am freaking just a bit.
More than a bit to be honest.
OK... a LOT

The first three days of my first week were just TRAGIC. But Monday rolled around and I got myself back on track again. Tuesday and Yesterday were good food wise.
But stress... oh yeah, I haz it.
Work has just been horrible lately. Things have been going wrong - through no fault of mine - but the in house booking system has been doing strange things and now every five minutes people are whining and waving paper at me - "Fix It! Fix It! Fix It!"
Sure I can fix it - it'll take me half an hour per problem and tomorrow I can guaran-bloody-tee that the system is going to have a another brain fart and it'll all be for naught. Wait til the techs fix the problem then we'll go fix things up.
For some reason despite this explanation, I still get the whinging. Some people really need to put their big boy pants on and just be patient.

OK, work vent over.

How's the exercise going Miz Kitteh?

It ain't. Full stop.

I've been starting work at 7am and finishing work at 5pm. I know it feels like a cop out excuse but when I get home I am shattered. All I want to do is cook dinner, watch TBL and then go to bed.
Starting at 7am means that I have to up up and about by 6am, which means that if I want to get a walk in beforehand I am going to have to be up by 4.45am. It's not going to happen.

Next week I am hoping that I won't be doing those 7am starts and I can get into some resemblance of a normal routine again. And I have Saturday so I can definitely go for a walk then! :)

Just to cheer myself up (sarcasm!!) I decided to see what my weight was this morning.
Big Mistake! My scales bit stupid, um.. stupid heads! LOL One second they are saying I am 122kg then next I am 125kg then 127kg. Obviously something is wrong with them and they're not very accurate.
I've decided that I am taking the batteries out of them and putting the scales away.... otherwise I am going to drive myself insane!

I am worried that my first week isn't going to have good results but what's done is done. It's a chance for the next week to deliver a better result.


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